November 6, 2013  
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2013 AF&PA Sustainability Award Winners Announced
(Editor's Note: From an AF&PA Press Release of November 4, 2013)

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) presented its 2013 Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 Sustainability Awards at the association's annual meeting on Friday, Nov. 1 in Charleston, S.C.

Designed to recognize exemplary sustainability programs and initiatives in the paper and wood products manufacturing industry, the awards are given based on the merit of entries received across multiple categories. This year, five companies were chosen to receive six sustainability awards from 23 outstanding submissions across the industry.

"AF&PA members are continuing to set a high bar for better business practices," said AF&PA President and CEO Donna Harman. "The paper and wood products manufacturing sector's leadership for a better planet is clear by the innovations of our members. This year's winning projects are representative of the ingenuity and hard work taking place across the industry, putting us on the path to achieving the industry's sustainability goals by 2020."

2013 Better Practices, Better Plant 2020 Sustainability Award Winners

Leadership in Sustainability - Energy Efficiency/Greenhouse Gas Reduction
KapStone® Paper and Packaging Corporation's Longview Mill: A One-Year Snapshot of Longview's Multi-Year Journey

Leadership in Sustainability - Paper Recovery for Recycling
RockTenn: RockTenn & Customer Recycling and Waste Reduction Initiative

Leadership in Sustainability - Safety
Domtar: Hazard Mapping at Ashdown

Leadership in Sustainability - Sustainable Forest Management
Domtar: Four States Timberland Owners Association

Leadership in Sustainability - Water
Georgia-Pacific Brunswick Cellulose Operation: Water Use Reduction

Innovation in Sustainability
Graphic Packaging International: Tite-Pak® Innovative Beverage Package

AF&PA member company applicants are considered annually in two categories - "Innovation in Sustainability" and "Leadership in Sustainability" - with five Leadership subcategories: Paper Recovery for Recycling, Energy Efficiency/Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Sustainable Forest Management, Safety, and Water. Projects that support progress toward the Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 sustainability goals qualify for recognition in the "Leadership" category; projects that merit recognition for their contribution to sustainable business practices, not specifically addressing one of these goals, may be recognized in the "Innovation" category.

AF&PA releases its biennial Sustainability Report every other year, which in 2012 showed that the U.S. pulp, paper, packaging and wood products manufacturing industry has made significant, measurable progress toward achieving the goals of its Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 sustainability initiative. AF&PA will release its next report in mid-2014.

For more information about the Sustainability Awards program and AF&PA's Better Practices initiative, visit

View photos of the winners accepting their awards on the AF&PA website.


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