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ABTCP - (Brazil). B- PAPTAC (formerly CPPA/TS) C- PITA (UK). CPD- Corrugated Packaging Division. D- I. I. P. (India). E- ATIP (France). F- OZEPA (Austria). G- SPCI (Sweden)." oPDF.continue_text "H- ZELLCHEMING (Germany). I-NACE. J- Japan TAPPI. K- SPI (Finland). L-PIRA (UK). M- ACCCSA (Caribbean). N- IPE (Spain). O- ATCP-Chile. P- ATCP (Mexico). Q- CTAPI (China)." oPDF.continue_text "R- European Federation of Corrosion. T- FICEPA (Latin Am). U- Atipca (Argentina). W- APPITA - (Australian and NZ). X- ATICELCA (Italy). Y- IAPMA (India). Z- TAPPI." oPDF.continue_text "AA- USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Lab. BB- Korea TAPPI. CC-AICC. DD- Acotepac (Colombia)." oPDF.set_parameter "underline", "true" oPDF.continue_text " " oPDF.set_parameter "underline", "false" oPDF.continue_text "" oPDF.continue_text "Earn 1,000 Sky Miles for flying Delta. Learn now today by visiting http://www.tappi.org/content/events/delta.htm." oPDF.set_parameter "underline", "true" oPDF.continue_text " " oPDF.set_parameter "underline", "false" oPDF.continue_text "" oPDF.continue_text "TAPPI's toll-free Member Connection: 1-800-332-8686 (US), 1-800-446-9431 (Canada); or (770) 446-6947 (Fax); or (770) 446-1400 (Worldwide)" oPDF.set_parameter "underline", "true" oPDF.continue_text " " oPDF.set_parameter "underline", "false" oPDF.continue_text "" oPDF.continue_text "For an up-to-date calendar or to register on-line, please re-visit http://www.tappi.org/content/pdf/events/autopdf.asp" end sub sub drawbox(pos_x, pos_y) oPDF.setlinecap(0) oPDF.setlinejoin(2) oPDF.setmiterlimit(10) oPDF.setlinewidth(2) oPDF.rect pos_x,pos_y,115,18 oPDF.fill oPDF.setcolor "both", "rgb", .8, .8, .8, 0 oPDF.moveto pos_x, pos_y+3 oPDF.lineto pos_x+112, pos_y+3 oPDF.moveto pos_x+112, pos_y+18 oPDF.lineto pos_x+112, pos_y+3 oPDF.stroke oPDF.setcolor "both", "rgb", .6, .6, .6, 0 oPDF.moveto pos_x, pos_y+2 oPDF.lineto pos_x+113, pos_y+2 oPDF.moveto pos_x+113, pos_y+18 oPDF.lineto pos_x+113, pos_y+2 oPDF.stroke oPDF.setcolor "both", "rgb", 0, 0, 0, 0 oPDF.initgraphics end sub sub underline(llx, lly) oPDF.moveto llx, lly oPDF.lineto llx+80, lly oPDF.fill end sub function valuecheck(variable_name,default_value) if 1=0 then if variable_name = cstr(variable_name) then if len(trim(session(variable_name))) > 0 then valuecheck = session(variable_name) elseif len(trim(request(variable_name))) > 0 then valuecheck = request(variable_name) else valuecheck = default_value end if else valuecheck = variable_name end if else 'testing if variable_name = cstr(variable_name) then if len(trim(request.form(variable_name))) > 0 then valuecheck = request.form(variable_name) else if len(trim(request.querystring(variable_name))) > 0 then valuecheck = request.querystring(variable_name) else if len(trim(session(variable_name))) > 0 then valuecheck = session(variable_name) else valuecheck = default_value end if end if end if else valuecheck = variable_name end if end if end function %> AUTOPDF