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Journal articles
Magazine articles
Peracetate/singlet oxygen chemistry used in post-bleaching of kraft pulp as a practical oxidant for paper machines, TAPPI Journal May 2021
ABSTRACT: The use of a novel sodium peracetate/singlet oxygen chemistry for brightening bleached kraft pulp shows exciting potential for technical performance, supply logistics, safety, and cost reduction. Potential chemical carryover to the paper machine raises questions about whether peracetate will impact paper machine performance, such as metal corrosion, useful press felt life, and interference with existing biocide programs or paper machine chemistry. Sodium peracetate/singlet oxygen chemistry can be used in high-density storage chests for brightening/whitening and to increase color stability. Any oxidant used directly before the paper machine has the possibility of impacting paper machine operations. Traditional oxidants used in bleaching, such as chlorine dioxide and hydrogen peroxide, are known to cause corrosion on machinery metals and press felts. Hydrogen peroxide residuals can interfere with common biocide programs. Traditional oxidants used in biocide treatments themselves significantly degrade press felt life when the rule-of-thumb concentration thresholds are exceeded. Sodium peracetate is evaluated in this paper for its impact on nylon press felt fiber degradation, metal corrosion, and interference with typical biocide programs.Laboratory results indicate that sodium peracetate/singlet oxygen chemistry is less corrosive than chlorine, bromine, and hydrogen peroxide on press felt nylon fiber and can therefore be used at higher levels than those chemistries to increase brightness without increasing negative downstream impact. Sodium peracetate can also be used with current biocide programs without negative impacts such as consumptive degradation. Higher residuals of peracetate going to the paper machine may be useful as a biocide itself and can complement existing programs, allowing those programs to stay within their safe operating levels and thereby extend press felt useful life.
Conference papers
Optimize Black Liquor Recovery Throughput and Increase Campa
Optimize Black Liquor Recovery Throughput and Increase Campaign Life with Chemical Additives, 2016 PEERS
Conference papers
Improve Lime Mud Kiln Operation By Controlling Mud Moisture
Improve Lime Mud Kiln Operation By Controlling Mud Moisture Using an Inside-The-Dryer Moisture Sensor, 2016 PEERS
Conference papers
Novel Technologies for Online Kappa Number Measurement Bring
Novel Technologies for Online Kappa Number Measurement Bring Opportunities for Improved Digester Control, 2016 PEERS
Conference papers
Seal-Through-Contamination and "Caulkability" an Evaluation
Seal-Through-Contamination and "Caulkability" an Evaluation of Sealants' Ability to Encapsulate Contaminants in the Seal ARea, 2016 PLACE Conference
Journal articles
Effects of localized environment on eucalyptus clone chemica
Effects of localized environment on eucalyptus clone chemical composition, TAPPI JOURNAL September 2016
Journal articles
Magazine articles
Development of reinforced paper and mitigation of the challenges of raw material availability by utilizing Areca nut leaf, TAPPI Journal September 2022
ABSTRACT: Paper industries are facing a raw material crisis and searching for alternate raw materials that may be able to help mitigate the issue. Many industries use agro-waste as a raw material, irrespective of it having low bleachability and poor mechanical strength. Areca nut leaf (ANL) is a nonwood-based material that may be acceptable as an alternate source of raw material that contains 61.5% holocellulose and 13.6% lignin, which is comparable to other agro-wastes and hardwood pulps. Kraft anthraquinone pulping with 20% active alkali as sodium oxide (Na2O), 25% sulfidity, and 0.05% anthraquinone produced 15 kappa pulps with about 38.5% pulping yield. The bleachability of ANL pulp was good, and 83.5% ISO brightness could be achieved using the D0(EOP)D1 bleaching sequence. The ANL fiber has 33.8% better tensile, 54.5% better tear, and 15.2% better burst index than hardwood fiber. Similarly, 60.4% better tensile, 56.5% better tear, and 21.7% better burst index were observed in ANL than in wheat straw. Thus, the study revealed that Areca nut leaf can be used as an alternative raw material for papermaking, as well as to improve the physical property of paper products by blending it with inferior quality pulp.
New Test Method for Scale Removal and Development of Digester Scale Inhibitors, 2013 PEERS Conference
New Test Method for Scale Removal and Development of Digester Scale Inhibitors, 2013 PEERS Conference
Rheological Properties of Starch Latex Dispersions and Starch Latex-Containing Coating Colors, 2012 PaperCon Conference
Rheological Properties of Starch Latex Dispersions and Starch Latex-Containing Coating Colors, 2012 PaperCon Conference
Enhanced Cascade Weight Control for Paper Machines, 2012 PaperCon Conference
Enhanced Cascade Weight Control for Paper Machines, 2012 PaperCon Conference