April 27, 2017 | ||||||||
Chemical recovery technical papers and upcoming dissolving tank explosion webinar | ||||||||
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Redefining the Future: News from PaperCon 2017 This annual event combines an expert-led technical program with a world-class exhibit. AoTC reports back from Minneapolis on some of this week’s event highlights. More than 1750 industry professionals convened in Minneapolis, MN this week for PaperCon, the annual conference that features a multi-track technical program, seminars, networking opportunities, a large exhibit floor, and more. The event began Sunday, April 23 and concluded Wednesday, April 26. In this exclusive Ahead of the Curve report, we bring you news and highlights collected on site. Sunday, April 23
From the TAPPI Board of Directors:
Monday, April 24 Following the welcome, keynote speaker Marcus Shingles, CEO of the XPRIZE Foundation, challenged attendees to think about the benefits of disruptive change in his presentation, “Uber Yourself Before You Get Kodaked.” He explained that, in today’s high-tech world, we live with an exponential rate of change, not a linear rate of change. “A lot of large companies, including traditional companies, are asking themselves, ‘instead of a ten percent improvement, can we reach a 10X improvement?’ It doesn’t take ten times more people, or ten times more resources, to get to that 10X improvement.” Achieving “10X”, however, will require different management and planning, Shingles explained. From quantum computing to “hyperloop” transport technology, he introduced attendees to the types of disruptive changes they must consider. “10X improvement” became an often-heard phrase among attendees during the remainder of PaperCon—a testament to the impact of this thought-provoking presentation. Tuesday, April 25 Yet a highlight of Tuesday’s program was the annual Awards Dinner. The ceremony included acknowledgements of the efforts of the volunteer program committees, Division and Local Section awards honoring leadership and service, and National-level awards for significant achievements. Announced live at the ceremony was the news that Pamela Cowan of Pulmac Systems International and Chair of PIMA’s Women in Industry Committee, has received the Glen T. Renegar Award, which recognizes an individual who has provided outstanding service and contribution toward the growth and betterment of the PIMA Management Division. Cowan was surprised and honored by the recognition, and credited her fellow leaders and members of the PIMA Women in Industry Committee with the group’s success and impact: “I didn’t do it alone. Really, this award is shared by all of you.” The evening’s final award was the Gunnar Nicholson Gold Medal, the highest honor that the Association can bestow upon an individual. The 2017 winner is Honghi Tran, professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at the University of Toronto. Tran is one of the world’s leading experts on kraft chemical recovery processes and an authority on recovery boiler plugging and fouling, and his research has played a major role in advancing recovery technology. In his acceptance speech, Tran spoke of the important role his mentor, Doug Reeve (former director of The Pulp & Paper Centre at the University of Toronto); of TAPPI; and of his family (his wife, son, daughter, and son-in-law were all in attendance.) As Dr. Tran closed his heartfelt acceptance speech, saying “Thank you for making my dream come true,” he received a standing ovation from attendees. Wednesday, April 26 Another highly-attended program track was the comprehensive series on Papermaking Best Practices. At Wednesday’s Wrap-up Session, Track Manager Jeff Reese, International Paper, shared a list of “Quotes of the Week,” which included the following highlights:
TAPPI wishes to thank the PaperCon 2017 sponsors, exhibitors, attendees, and program planning committees who made this year’s conference a resounding success. Stay tuned for more information about next year’s PaperCon, which will be held April 15-18, 2018 in Charlotte, NC. Learn more about the 2017 program, sponsors, and exhibitors at www.papercon.org. For a modest investment of $174, receive more than US$ 1000 in benefits in return. |