TAPPI Journal Submit & Author and Style Guidelines
Submit to TAPPI Journal
TAPPI Journal's stringent peer-review process ensures that each issue contains the highest-quality, most relevant research. All papers submitted must pass peer review before publication. Not all papers submitted are accepted for peer review; not all papers peer reviewed are accepted for publication.
We value all contributions, and papers are reviewed by industry experts with experience in the paper's subject area. We do not charge authors a page charge for publishing their work, and we work closely with authors to make sure their work is presented accurately.
Before submitting a paper, follow these simple steps:

Author Guidelines
Before submitting a paper, please review the general author guidelines. These guidelines include information about word count and figures requirements, the submission process, research and other important considerations. Author Guidelines

Style Guidelines
Style guidelines are also available to help authors prepare a paper for submission. Here you'll find tips on formatting references, common abbreviations, grammatical requirements, and more.
View Style Guidelines