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Journal articles
Open Access
1997 Environmental Conference reflects continuing high profile of industry environmental concerns and achievements, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1997, Vol. 80(9)

1997 environmental conference reflects continuing high profile of industry environmental concerns and achievements, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 1997, Vol. 80(9)

Journal articles
Open Access
Alliances forged at the 1997 Biological Sciences Symposium, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Forest biologists forge alliances with industry at the 1997 biological sciences symposium, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Journal articles
Open Access
Troubleshooting recycled fiber yield for OCC TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1995, Vol. 78(10)

Troubleshooting recycled fiber yield for OCC TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1995, Vol. 78(10)

Journal articles
Open Access
Tough times: publication papers put a squeeze on the magazine industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Tough times: publication papers put a squeeze on the magazine industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Journal articles
Open Access
Third year of record sales expected for U.S. paper and related industries in 1996, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1996, Vol. 79(1)

Third year of record sales expected for u.s. paper and related industries in 1996, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1996, Vol. 79(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Interactive Paper Symposium focuses on paper and electronics, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 1997, Vol. 80(5)

Interactive paper symposium focuses on paper and electronics, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 1997, Vol. 80(5)

Journal articles
Open Access
New opportunities in the South American pulp and paper business, TAPPI JOURNAL, June 1998, Vol. 81(6)

New opportunities in the south american pulp and paper business, TAPPI JOURNAL, June 1998, Vol. 81(6)

Journal articles
Open Access
Australia's Paper and Forestry Forum: A Preview of Significant Issues for 1998-2008, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)

Australia's Paper and Forestry Forum: A Preview of Significant Issues for 1998-2008, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)

Journal articles
Open Access
Advanced disturbed control of industrial stem turbines, June 1988, TAPPI Journal 88JUN72

Advanced distributed control of industrial steam turbines, TAPPI JOURNAL June 1988

Journal articles
Open Access
Corrosion fatigue testing of suction roll alloys, TAPPI JOURNAL March 1988

Corrosion fatigue testing of suction roll alloys, TAPPI JOURNAL March 1988