ISO TC 6: Paper, board and pulps

The scope of International Standards Organization's  Technical Committee 6 (ISO TC 6) is standardization in the field of paper, board and pulps and cellulosic nanomaterials (CNM), including terminology, sampling procedures, test methods, product and quality specifications, and the establishment and maintenance of appropriate calibration systems. 

ISO TC 6 and it's subcommittee SC 2, along with the various working groups listed below are responsible for over 180 related standards. 

Surface roughness    Microbiology    Tissue 
Printability testing   Contact angle    Internal bond strength 
Paper stability   Cellulosic nanomaterials    Environmental issues 
Optical properties    Chemical analysis    Cores for reels of paper 
Automated testing    Estimation of uncertainty   



TAPPI is the Administrator for the U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO TC 6 and its subcommittee, TC6/SC2. TAPPI is certified as TAG Administrator through ANSI, the organization that serves as the member body to ISO from the United States. 

Anyone can apply for TAG membership; TAPPI membership is not required. Although the official members of the U.S. TAG must work in the United States, we have traditionally included a group from Canada on the roster as non-voting members, primarily for the ability to share information with them.

For more information or to get involved in ISO TC 6, contact the TAPPI Standards Manager and ISO TC 6 – U.S. TAG Administrator, Brittaney Lovett (