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Journal articles
GRADE REPORT: Good news and bad news [01SEPSO60.pdf]

Good news and bad news, Solutions!, September 2001, Vol. 1(1)

Journal articles
Duplex stainless steel digesters: A better choice?, Solution

Duplex stainless steel digesters: A better choice?, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, April 2003

Journal articles
Supplier partnering-Keep your profits up and costs down, Sol

Supplier partnering-Keep your profits up and costs down, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, December 2003

Journal articles
For Iggesund, video analysis means quality, production benef

For Iggesund, video analysis means quality, production benefits, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, August 2004

Journal articles
Last Word: The Truth is Out there [02JUNSO96.pdf]

The truth is out there, Solutions!, June 2002, Vol. 85(6) (52KB)

Journal articles
The top five reasons software projects fail (and how Extreme

The top five reasons software projects fail (and how Extreme Programming mitigates them), Solutions!, Online Exclusives, August 2004

Journal articles
Advanced ex-press sheet management for improved quality and

Advanced ex-press sheet management for improved quality and paper machine performance, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, August 2004

Journal articles
Preflight and post-flight: new rules for quality control in

Preflight and post-flight: new rules for quality control in the print industry, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, December 2003

Journal articles
OPC communications cost effectively links paper machine's dy

OPC communications cost effectively links paper machine's dye skid and color control, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, September 2002

Journal articles
Hollow sphere plastic pigment improves high shear rheology o

Hollow sphere plastic pigment improves high shear rheology of higher solids coating formulations, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, May 2004