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Journal articles
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Open Access
Tetraethyl orthosilicate-containing dispersion coating — water vapor and liquid water barrier properties, TAPPI Journal September 2021

ABSTRACT: An aqueous styrene-butadiene latex dispersion coating containing in-situ processed tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) applied on paperboard demonstrated improved water barrier performance. Coatings containing TEOS equivalent to 0.8% silicon dioxide (SiO2; dry basis) exhibited water vapor performance of < 25 g/m2/day (23°C, 50% relative humidity [RH]) and liquid water barrier performance Cobb 1800 s of < 6 g/m2, when applied as a single-layer 18 g/m2 coating. Cobb 1800 s barrier performance was still good (< 11 g/m2) at coat weights of 7•10 g/m2. The use of filler materials such as kaolin improved the vapor barrier properties of the coating, but this was not critical to the liquid water barrier properties.

Journal articles
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Open Access
A true green cover for industrial waste landfills, TAPPI Journal April 2024

ABSTRACT: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States totaled 5,981 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMT CO2eq) in 2020. Of that, GHG emissions by the pulp and paper sector amounted to 35 MMT CO2eq direct emissions and those by industrial waste landfills summed to 7.4 MMT CO2eq direct emissions. Loss of GHG sinks due to change in land use further contributes to the net GHG emissions. Industrial waste landfills are typically required to comply with certain federal and state regulations, including meeting requirements for final cover systems. Conventional final cover systems have included use of soil covers and/or soil-geosynthetic composite covers. An engineered turf cover provides for an excellent “green” alternative final cover system for industrial waste landfills.This paper discusses various sustainability aspects pertaining to use of an engineered turf final cover, including: (i)significantly low carbon footprint associated with the construction of an engineered turf alternative final coverwhen compared to closure using a traditional or prescriptive cover system; (ii) saving valuable soil and land resourc-es; (iii) saving water resources by reduction in its use during and after construction; (iv) reducing impacts associated with borrow areas; and (v) reducing overall carbon footprint. Further, when using an engineered turf cover, opportunities exist for beneficial reuse of land, including development of solar energy. A brief discussion on the potential fordevelopment of solar energy is included.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Continuous digester rapid thinning, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: Carbon steel continuous digesters built after the early 1980s are fully stress relieved, so stress corrosion cracking has been less of a concern. However, these newer digesters were designed to run modified cooking processes that have turned out to be much more corrosive than those running with conventional cooking. This corrosion is mainly associated with softwood digesters and appears to be flow related. Average corrosion rates of 40 mil/year are possible on the exposed shell between the wash and extraction screens. The corrosion patterns are visually distinct from surfaces in the upper digester and below the wash screens. This paper goes into practical detail on where it occurs, the causes, visual identification, inspection planning and results evaluation, and finally, how to mitigate this damage, which consists of applying a corrosion resistant barrier. Some discussion on dealing with general corrosion throughout the digester is included.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Pulping and bleaching of Malaysian oil palm empty fruit bunc

Pulping and bleaching of Malaysian oil palm empty fruit bunches, TAPPI JOURNAL June 2017

Journal articles
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Open Access
Lignin value prior to pulping (LVPP): An advanced pulping c

Lignin value prior to pulping (LVPP): An advanced pulping concept, TAPPI JOURNAL October 2017

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Open Access
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by melamine amine cellulos

Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by melamine amine cellulose- immobilized lacasses, TAPPI JOURNAL October 2017

Journal articles
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Open Access
Considerations in managing wastewater odor at pulp and paper operations, TAPPI Journal March 2022

ABSTRACT: Many pulp and paper mills are, at least periodically, faced with the release of odors that can migrate offsite and be considered a nuisance by nearby residents. At chemical pulp mills, perceptible odors associated with reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) are common, many of which are highly perceptible owing to their low odor thresholds. As releases of RSCs and other odorous substances from production processes are progressively controlled, the proportional contribution from wastewater treatment systems to areal odors can increase. This review paper summarizes important fundamentals of odor generation, source identification, and control. Common odorous substances are identified, and mechanisms for their generation are summarized. Approaches for measuring odorous substances are detailed to enable more effective management, and various odor control strategies are discussed.

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Open Access
Editorial: TAPPI Journal 2019 Best Research Paper addresses hard scale formation in green liquor pipelines, TAPPI Journal March 2020

ABSTRACT: TAPPI and the TAPPI Journal (TJ) Editorial Board would like congratulate the authors of the 2019 TAPPI Journal Best Research Paper Award: Alisha Giglio, Vladimiros Papangelakis, and Honghi Tran. Their paper, “The solubility of calcium carbonate in green liquor handling systems,” appeared on p. 595 of the October 2019 issue. This kraft recovery cycle research was recognized by the TJ Editorial Board for its innovation, creativity, scientific merit, and clear expression of ideas.

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Open Access
Alternative “green” lime kiln fuels: Part II—Woody biomass, bio-oils, gasification, and hydrogen, TAPPI Journal May 2020

ABSTRACT: This paper is the second of a two-part series on “green” lime kiln fuels. The first part of this work reviews the use of pulp mill and recovery byproducts as either full or partial replacement of oil or natural gas in the kiln. The second part reviews the use of various forms of woody biomass, bio-oils, gasification and hydrogen as potential carbon neutral or carbon-free lime kiln fuels. Several of these options require specialized burners to supply the fuel to the kiln and high-quality metallurgy to withstand the acidic conditions of the fuel.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Continuous digester rapid thinning, TAPPI Journal June 2024

ABSTRACT: Carbon steel continuous digesters built after the early 1980s are fully stress relieved, so stress corrosion cracking has been less of a concern. However, these newer digesters were designed to run modified cooking processes that have turned out to be much more corrosive than those running with conventional cooking. This corrosion is mainly associated with softwood digesters and appears to be flow related. Average corrosion rates of 40 mil/year are possible on the exposed shell between the wash and extraction screens. The corrosion patterns are visually distinct from surfaces in the upper digester and below the wash screens. This paper goes into practical detail on where it occurs, the causes, visual identification, inspection planning and results evaluation, and finally, how to mitigate this damage, which consists of applying a corrosion resistant barrier. Some discussion on dealing with general corrosion throughout the digester is included.