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Combustion behavior of kraft black liquor droplets from hot

Combustion behavior of kraft black liquor droplets from hot water pretreated hardwood and softwood chips, November 2016 TAPPI JOURNAL

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Experiments and visualization of sprays from beer can and turbo liquor nozzles, TAPPI Journal February 2022

ABSTRACT: Industrial scale swirl-type black liquor nozzles were studied using water as the test fluid. Simple water spraying experiments were found to be very beneficial for studying and comparing nozzles for black liquor spraying. These kinds of experiments are important for finding better nozzle designs. Three nozzle designs were investigated to understand the functional differences between these nozzles. The pressure loss of nozzle 1 (“tangential swirl”) and nozzle 3 (“turbo”) were 97% and 38% higher compared to nozzle 2 (“tan-gential swirl”). Spray opening angles were 75°, 60°, and 35° for nozzles 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Video imaging showed that the nozzles produced sprays that were inclined a few degrees from the nozzle centerline. Spray patter-nation showed all the sprays to be asymmetric, while nozzle 2 was the most symmetric. Laser-Doppler measure-ments showed large differences in spray velocities between nozzles. The spray velocity for nozzle 1 increased from 9 m/s to 15 m/s when the flow rate was increased from 1.5 L/s to 2.5 L/s. The resulting velocity increase for nozzle 2 was from 7 m/s to 11 m/s, and for nozzle 3, it was from 8 m/s to 13 m/s. Tangential flow (swirl) directed the spray 6°–12° away from the vertical plane. Liquid sheet breakup mechanisms and lengths were estimated by analyzing high speed video images. The liquid sheet breakup mechanism for nozzle 1 was estimated to be wave formation, and the sheet length was estimated to be about 10 cm. Sheet breakup mechanisms for nozzle 2 were wave formation and sheet perforation, and the sheet length was about 20 cm. Nozzle 3 was not supposed to form a liquid sheet. Nozzle geometry was found to greatly affect spray characteristics.

Magazine articles
Open Access
Using climate change policies for u.s. pulp and paper industry efficiency, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Using climate change policies for u.s. pulp and paper industry efficiency, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

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What's new with tappi test methods?, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)

What's new with tappi test methods?, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)

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Open Access
Preparing prehydrolyzed kraft dissolving pulp via phosphotungstic acid prehydrolysis from grape branches, TAPPI Journal January 2022

ABSTRACT: Dissolving pulp was successful prepared via phosphotungstic acid (PTA) prehydrolysis kraft (PHK) cooking followed by an elementary chlorine-free (ECF) bleaching process from grape branches. The effects of prehydrolysis temperature, reaction time, and PTA concentration that potentially affect the quality of dissolving pulp product on chemical components of pulp were studied via an orthogonal experiment. The structure of lignin was activated during the PTA prehydrolysis phase, and lignin was easily removed during the following cooking process. Thus, relatively mild conditions (140°C, 100 min) can be used in the cooking process. During the prehydrolysis phase, temperature exhibited the most significant influence on the cellulose purity of the obtained pulp fiber, followed by reaction time and PTA concentration. The optimized prehydrolysis conditions were as follows: prehydrolysis temperature, 145°C; reaction time, 75 min; and PTA concentration, 1 wt%. Whether the excessively high prehydrolysis temperature or prolonging the reaction time did not favor the retention of long chain cellulose, the delignification selectivity for the cooking process could not be further improved by excessive PTA loading. Under these prehydrolysis conditions, 94.1% and 29.0% for a-cellulose content and total yield could be achieved after the given cooking and bleaching conditions, respectively. Moreover, the chemical structure and crystal form of cellulose were scarcely changed after PTA prehydrolysis, which could be confirmed by results from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). PTA prehydrolysis could be considered as an alternative method for preparing PHK dissolving pulp under relatively mild cooking conditions.

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Understanding extensibility of paper: Role of fiber elongation and fiber bonding, TAPPI Journal March 2020

ABSTRACT: The tensile tests of individual bleached softwood kraft pulp fibers and sheets, as well as the micro-mechanical simulation of the fiber network, suggest that only a part of the elongation potential of individual fibers is utilized in the elongation of the sheet. The stress-strain curves of two actual individual pulp fibers and one mimicked classic stress-strain behavior of fiber were applied to a micromechanical simulation of random fiber networks. Both the experimental results and the micromechanical simulations indicated that fiber bonding has an important role not only in determining the strength but also the elongation of fiber networks. Additionally, the results indicate that the shape of the stress-strain curve of individual pulp fibers may have a significant influence on the shape of the stress-strain curve of a paper sheet. A large increase in elongation and strength of paper can be reached only by strengthening fiber-fiber bonding, as demonstrated by the experimental handsheets containing starch and cellulose microfibrils and by the micromechanical simulations. The key conclusion related to this investigation was that simulated uniform inter-fiber bond strength does not influence the shape of the stress-strain curve of the fiber network until the bonds fail, whereas the number of bonds has an influence on the activation of the fiber network and on the shape of the whole stress-strain curve.

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Effects of different soda loss measurement techniques on brownstock quality, TAPPI Journal July 2024

ABSTRACT: The efficiency of the kraft recovery plant, bleaching process, and paper machine are affected when black liquor carryover from the brownstock washers is not controlled well. Measuring soda loss within a mill can vary from using conductivity, either in-situ or with a lab sample of black liquor filtrate squeezed from the last stage washer, to measuring absolute sodium content with a lab sodium specific ion probe or spectrophotometer. While measuring conductivity has value in tracking trends in black liquor losses, it is not an acceptable method in reporting losses in absolute units, typically in lb/ton of pulp. This is further complicated when trying to benchmark soda loss performance across a fleet of mills with multiple washer lines. Not only do the testing methods vary, but the amount of bound soda on high kappa pulps can be significant. This variability creates inconsistent results, and studies are needed to understand the effect of different testing methods on the pulp quality. In this study, soda loss is expressed as sodium sulfate (Na2SO4). Four different methods to measure soda content in pulp off commercial brownstock washers were studied: full digestion (FD), washing soaking overnight and washing (WSW), soaking in boiling water and stirring 10-min (SW-10), and squeeze-no wash (Sq). Total, washable, and bound sodium sulfate calculations were determined for each soda content measuring technique using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Results showed bound and washable sodium sulfate amounts significantly depend on which soda measurement technique was used. In addition, the soda results were correlated with the pulp kappa numbers. As the kappa number increases, bound soda increases, regardless of the soda measurement method used. Impacts of high sodium sulfate in brownstock are also discussed.

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Open Access
Editorial: TAPPI Standards development: Authors and reviewers are welcome, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: Readers of TAPPI Journal (TJ) and those involved with R&D and process and product quality will be familiar with TAPPI Standard Test Methods. These test methods are necessary for validating research and ensuring the quality of end products. In addition to test methods, TAPPI also publishes information that isn’t directly related to test methods, such as technical information and definitions, which include specifications, guidelines, and glossaries. All Standards information is developed with the consensus of a technical working group that adheres to set procedures.

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Open Access
Lignin-based resins for kraft paper applications, TAPPI Journal November 2019

ABSTRACT: We investigated miscanthus (MS) and willow (W) lignin-furfural based resins as potential reinforce-ment agents on softwood and hardwood kraft paper. These resins might be sustainable alternatives to the commercial phenolformaldehyde (PF) resins. Phenol is a petrochemical product and formaldehyde has been classified as a carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The lignin used in this study was derived from hot water extraction (160ºC, 2 h) of MS and W biomass, and may be considered sulfur-free. These biorefinery lignins were characterized for their chemical composition and inherent properties via wet chemistry and instrumental techniques. The resin blends (MS-resin and W-resin) were characterized for their molecular weight, thermal behavior, and mechanical properties. Mechanical properties were measured by the resin’s ability to reinforce softwood and hard-wood kraft papers. The effect of adding hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA), a curing agent, to the resin was also examined. Mixtures of PF and lignin-based resins were investigated to further explore ways to reduce use of non-renewables, phenol, and carcinogenic formaldehyde. The results show that lignin-based resins have the potential to replace PF resins in kraft paper applications. For softwood paper, the highest strength was achieved using W-resin, without HMTA (2.5 times greater than PF with HMTA). For hardwood paper, MS-resin with HMTA gave the highest strength (2.3 times higher than PF with HMTA). The lignin-based resins, without HMTA, also yielded mechanical properties comparable to PF with HMTA.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Boiler retrofit improves efficiency and increases biomass firing rates, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: Domtar’s fluff pulp mill in Plymouth, NC, USA, operates two biomass/hog fuel fired boilers (HFBs). For energy consolidation and reliability improvement, Domtar wanted to decommission the No. 1 HFB and refurbish/retrofit the No. 2 HFB. The No. 2 HFB was designed to burn pulverized coal and/or biomass on a traveling grate. The steaming capacity was 500,000 lb/h from coal and 400,000 lb/h from biomass. However, it had never sustained this design biomass steaming rate. As the sole power boiler, the No. 2 HFB would need to sustain 400,000 lb/h of biomass steam during peak loads. An extensive evaluation by a combustion and boiler technologies supplier was undertaken. The evaluation involved field testing, analysis, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, and it identified several bottle-necks and deficiencies to achieving the No. 2 HFB’s biomass steam goal. These bottlenecks included an inadequate combustion system; insufficient heat capture; excessive combustion air temperature; inadequate sweetwater con-denser (SWC) capacity; and limited induced draft fan capacity.To address the identified deficiencies, various upgrades were engineered and implemented. These upgrades included modern pneumatic fuel distributors; a modern sidewall, interlaced overfire air (OFA) system; a new, larger economizer; modified feedwater piping to increase SWC capacity; replacement of the scrubber with a dry electrostatic precipitator; and upgraded boiler controls.With the deployment of these upgrades, the No. 2 HFB achieved the targeted biomass steaming rate of 400,000 lb/h, along with lowered stack gas and combustion air temperatures. All mandated emissions limit tests at 500,000 lb/h of steam with 400,000 lb/h of biomass steam were passed, and Domtar reports a 10% reduction in fuel firing rates, which represents significant fuel savings. In addition, the mill was able to decommission the No. 1 HFB, which has substantially lowered operating and maintenance costs.