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Results Oriented Maintenance Management

Results Oriented Maintenance Management

Journal articles
A wHolistic Approach to Paper Machine Alignment, Paper360° March/April 2013

A wHolistic Approach to Paper Machine Alignment, Paper360º March/April 2013

Journal articles
Using PM and PdM Techniques, Paper360º May 2008

Using PM and PdM Techniques, Paper360º May 2008

Journal articles
Open Access
Reject Handling in Secondary fiber systems, June 1988, TAPPI Journal 88JUN87

Reject handling in secondary fiber systems, TAPPI JOURNAL June 1988

Journal articles
The Hidden Factory, Paper360° November 2006

The Hidden Factory, Paper360º, November 2006

Magazine articles
Open Access
Operations teams run a woodyard, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1996, Vol. 79(12)

Operations teams run a woodyard, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1996, Vol. 79(12)

Journal articles
Clearing the Air About Wet End and Dryer Maintenance, Paper360º November 2007

Wet End and Dryer Maintenance, Paper360º November 2007

Journal articles
Pipe Systems Under Attack, Frontline Focus, Volume 7, Issue 6

Frontline Focus, June/July 2011

Journal articles
Open Access
Paper machine bearing failure, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Paper machine bearing failure, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1996, Vol. 79(2)

Journal articles
Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability, Paper360° March/April 2013

Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability, Paper360º March/April 2013