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Journal articles
Open Access
Nutrition and growth of forest trees, TAPPI JOURNAL, January

Nutrition and growth of forest trees, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1991, Vol. 74(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Engineering: the missing link in strategic planning, TAPPI J

Engineering: the missing link in strategic planning, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1991, Vol. 74(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Trends and guidelines in water pollution control in the finn

Trends and guidelines in water pollution control in the finnish pulp and paper industry, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 1991, Vol. 74(7)

Journal articles
Open Access
Predicting internal stresses in center-wound rolls with an u

Predicting internal stresses in center-wound rolls with an undriven nip roller, TAPPI JOURNAL, June 1991, Vol. 74(6)

Journal articles
Open Access
Adaptive inferential control of kraft batch digesters as bas

Adaptive inferential control of kraft batch digesters as based on pulping liquor analysis, TAPPI JOURNAL, June 1991, Vol. 74(6)

Journal articles
Open Access

The compression test: how wrong can I be and still be right?, TAPPI JOURNAL November 1989

Journal articles
Open Access

Evaluating the press dewatering of pulps, TAPPI JOURNAL October 1989

Journal articles
Open Access
Dynamic measurement of density - gradient development during

Dynamic measurement of density - gradient development during wet pressing, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1990, Vol. 73(4)

Journal articles
Open Access
Static friction properties of linerboard, TAPPI JOURNAL, Dec

Static friction properties of linerboard, TAPPI JOURNAL, December 1990, Vol. 73(12)

Journal articles
Open Access
Utilization of artificial marshes for treatment of pulp mill

Utilization of artificial marshes for treatment of pulp mill effluent, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1990, Vol. 73(2)