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Journal articles
Open Access
Using the Internet Effectively, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1998, Vol. 81(8)

Using the internet effectively, TAPPI JOURNAL, August 1998, Vol. 81(8)

Journal articles
Open Access
Partial Closure in Modern Bleaching Sequences, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Partial Closure in Modern Bleaching Sequences, TAPPI JOURNAL, April 1998, Vol. 81(4)

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Discrete element method to predict coating failure mechanisms, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2018

Discrete element method to predict coating failure mechanisms, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2018

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Techno-economic analysis of ECF bleaching and TCF bleaching

Techno-economic analysis of ECF bleaching and TCF bleaching for a bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp mill, TAPPI JOURNAL October 2017

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Toward valorization of lignin: characterization and fast pyr

Toward valorization of lignin: characterization and fast pyrolysis of lignin recovered from hot-water extracts of electron-beam irradiated sugar maple, TAPPI JOURNAL April 2017

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Evaluation of novel drum chipper technology: pilot-scale production of short wood chips, TAPPI Journal October 2019

ABSTRACT: Impregnation of wood chips with acidic pulping liquors is improved when using short chip lengths. If the average wood chip length is too short, conventional chipping technology will generate excess small material, such as pin chips and fines. The possibility of using newly developed drum chipping technology to produce short-length wood chips was evaluated with a pilot drum chipper operating at different drum velocities and in-feed angles. With a drum velocity of 30 m/s, the average wood chip lengths and the combined fractions of pin chips and fines were 24 mm and 3.3%, 22 mm and 4.2%, and 17 mm and 8.5%. The highest fractions of total accept chips (large and small accepts), 89% to 90% without screening, were observed for drum velocities of 30•34 m/s and average wood chips lengths of 21•22 mm. The results indicate the potential of drum chipping technology for producing short wood chips with relatively high fractions of accept chips and tolerable fractions of pin chips and fines.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Enhancement of processability, surface, and mechanical properties of paper based on rice straw pulp using biopolymers for packaging applications, TAPPI Journal July 2019

ABSTRACT: wo biopolymers, chitosan and oxidized starch, were used as wet-end additives to improve the strength properties of the paper because of their biodegradable and non-hazardous qualities. The present study reports the improvement in surface and strength properties of packaging-grade paper made with rice straw pulp using biopolymers, chitosan, oxidized starch, and surface sizing added at the wet end of the paper machine.Use of chitosan at all doses from 0.5 to 10 kg/ton enhanced important surface and strength properties of paper. The breaking length, tear index, burst index, ring crush strength, stretch, tensile energy absorption index, and Taber stiff-ness of the paper with 10 kg/ton of chitosan as a wet-end additive showed 22%, 14%, 20%, 59%, 16%, 44%, and 48% improvement, respectively, in comparison to control, (i.e, without its addition). The Cobb60 was also reduced by 45%, showing better resistance to water in comparison to rice straw paper alone. The effects of chitosan added at the wet end on the paper surface were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The use of 10 kg/ton of chitosan at the wet end reduced the color and total suspended solids in the back water of the papermak-ing system by 55% and 51%, respectively. Further enhancement in the surface and strength properties of paper was observed following surface sizing with oxidized starch.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Editorial: Lignin: Nature’s versatile polymer as a potent chemical platform for 21st century challenges, TAPPI Journal January 2019

Editorial: Lignin: Nature’s versatile polymer as a potent chemical platform for 21st century challenges, TAPPI Journal January 2019

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Progress in foam forming technology, TAPPI JOURNAL August 2019

ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes recent developments in foam forming that were mainly carried out in pilot scale. In addition to improving the efficiency of existing processes and allowing better uniformity in material, a wide variety of raw materials can be utilized in foam forming. The focus of this paper is thin webs—papers, boards and foam-laid nonwovens, along with the pilot scale results obtained at VTT in Finland. For paper and board grades, the most direct advantage of foam forming is the potential to produce very uniform webs from longer and coarser fibers and obtain material savings through that. Another main point is increased solids content after a wet press, which may lead to significant energy savings in thermal drying. Finally, the potential to introduce “difficult” raw materials like long synthetic or manmade fibers into a papermaking process enables the manufacturing of novel products in an existing production line. This paper also briefly discusses other interesting foam-based applications, including insulation and absorbing materials, foam-laid nonwovens, and materials for replacing plastics.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Alternative “green” lime kiln fuels: Part II—Woody biomass, bio-oils, gasification, and hydrogen, TAPPI Journal May 2020

ABSTRACT: This paper is the second of a two-part series on “green” lime kiln fuels. The first part of this work reviews the use of pulp mill and recovery byproducts as either full or partial replacement of oil or natural gas in the kiln. The second part reviews the use of various forms of woody biomass, bio-oils, gasification and hydrogen as potential carbon neutral or carbon-free lime kiln fuels. Several of these options require specialized burners to supply the fuel to the kiln and high-quality metallurgy to withstand the acidic conditions of the fuel.