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Journal articles
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Open Access
Paper coated with sonochemically synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles: Enhancement of properties for preservation of documents, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2017

Paper coated with sonochemically synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles: Enhancement of properties for preservation of documents, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2017

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
An effective method for determining the retention and distribution of cellulose nanofibrils in paper handsheets by dye labeling, TAPPI JOURNAL March 2018

An effective method for determining the retention and distribution of cellulose nanofibrils in paper handsheets by dye labeling, TAPPI JOURNAL March 2018

Journal articles
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Open Access
Physical handsheet properties of pulp furnishes containing attritor-treated fibers, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2017

Physical handsheet properties of pulp furnishes containing attritor-treated fibers, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2017

Journal articles
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Open Access
Effects of different ammonium lignosulfonate contents on the crystallization, rheological behaviors, and thermal and mechanical properties of ethylene propylene diene monomer/polypropylene/ammonium lignosulfonate composites, TAPPI Journal January 2020

ABSTRACT: Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), made from ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and polypropylene (PP) based on reactive blending, has an excellent processing performance and characteristics and a wide range of applications. However, there are currently no reports in the literature regarding the usage of TPE in making composite boards. In this paper, EPDM, PP, and ammonium lignosulfonate (AL) were used as the raw materials, polyethylene wax was used as the plasticizer, and a dicumyl peroxide vulcanization system with dynamic vulcanization was used to make a new kind of composite material. This research studied the influences of the AL contents on the crystallization behaviors, rheological properties, thermal properties, and mechanical properties of the composites. The results showed that the AL content had a noticeable impact on the performance of the composite board. Accordingly, this kind of composite material can be used as an elastomer material for the core layer of laminated flooring.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Novel thin functional coatings for paper by foam coating, T

Novel thin functional coatings for paper by foam coating, TAPPI JOURNAL April 2017

Journal articles
Magazine articles
TAPPI Nano 2019: Focus on New Markets, Paper360º September/October 2019

TAPPI Nano 2019: Focus on New Markets, Paper360º September/October 2019

Journal articles
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Open Access
Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by melamine amine cellulos

Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by melamine amine cellulose- immobilized lacasses, TAPPI JOURNAL October 2017

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Rheological behavior of magnetic pulp fiber suspensions, TAPPI Journal June 2021

ABSTRACT: This paper is focused on the rheology of magnetic pulp suspensions in absence and presence of an external magnetic field. Magnetic fibers were prepared by the lumen loading method using bleached eucalyptus fibers and cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles. The effect of mass consistency, temperature, concentration of magnetic fibers, and magnetic field strength on yield stress and apparent viscosity of the suspensions were investigated. In the absence of an applied field, a dependence of yield stress with consistency, as well as with the percentage of magnetic fibers present in the suspension, was found. In flow tests, all the suspensions exhibited shear-thinning behavior, showing that the viscosity is only affected by the consistency of the suspension. On the other hand, magnetorheological measurements show a negative effect of the applied magnetic field on the viscosity of the suspension.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Characterizing rheological behavior and fluidization of highly refined furnishes, TAPPI Journal April 2024

ABSTRACT: In this work, highly refined softwood bleached kraft pulp (SWBKP) furnishes, referred to here as XFC, were studied from the perspective of fiber suspension handling in processing. The rheology of the furnishes was studied with a rotational rheometer using a non-standard flow geometry to understand the viscosity development at different consistencies and the impact of temperature. For fluidization analysis during pipe flow, two optical methods were implemented; namely, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and high-speed video (HSV) imaging. The OCT was used to determine the small-scale floc structures near the pipe wall where the shear stress is highest, and the HSV imaging was applied for observing flow instabilities and XFC suspension uniformity at the pipe scale. All these issues can be significant in deciding the minimum flow rate required for a process pipe to get sufficient fluidization of XFC suspensions.

Journal articles
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Open Access
A novel predictive method for filler coflocculation with cellulose microfibrils, TAPPI Journal November 2019

ABSTRACT: Different strategies aimed at reducing the negative impact of fillers on paper strength have been the objective of many studies during the past few decades. Some new strategies have even been patented or commercialized, yet a complete study on the behavior of the filler flocs and their effect on retention, drainage, and formation has not been found in literature. This type of research on fillers is often limited by difficulties in simulating high levels of shear at laboratory scale similar to those at mill scale. To address this challenge, a combination of techniques was used to compare preflocculation (i.e., filler is flocculated before addition to the pulp) with coflocculation strategies (i.e., filler is mixed with a binder and flocculated before addition to the pulp). The effect on filler and fiber flocs size was studied in a pilot flow loop using focal beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) and image analysis. Flocs obtained with cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) and benonite were shown to have similar shear resistance with both strategies, whereas cationic starch (CS) was clearly more advantageous when coflocculation strategy was used. The effect of flocculation strategy on drainage rate, STFI formation, ash retention, and standard strength properties was measured. Coflocculation of filler with CPAM plus bentonite or CS showed promising results and produced sheets with high strength but had a negative impact on wire dewatering, opening a door for further optimization.