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Showing 41–50 of 376 results (Duration : 0.013 seconds)
Conference papers
A Life Cycle Assessment of Torrefaction Biomass to Displace

A Life Cycle Assessment of Torrefaction Biomass to Displace the Coal in the Electricity Generation, IBBC2017

Conference papers
Lignin Mapping as a Strategy to Enhance its Valorisation, IB

Lignin Mapping as a Strategy to Enhance its Valorisation, IBBC2017

Conference papers
Brands and Biorefineries: Driving Value in Bio-Based Product

Brands and Biorefineries: Driving Value in Bio-Based Products, IBBC2017

Conference papers
Project Collaboration for Optimal Results Engineering & Construction, 19PEERS

Project Collaboration for Optimal Results Engineering & Construction, 19PEERS

Conference papers
Nonwood Lignin as a Binder for Pet Food, 19PEERS

Nonwood Lignin as a Binder for Pet Food, 19PEERS

Conference papers
A Case History of Paper-Mill Sludge Pond Closure Using Engineered Turf Final Cover, 20PEERS Conference

A Case History of Paper-Mill Sludge Pond Closure Using Engineered Turf Final Cover, 20PEERS Conference

Conference papers
Disrupter or Disrupted? How Innovation Defines Your Destin,

Disrupter or Disrupted? How Innovation Defines Your Destin, 2017PEERS