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Journal articles
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Open Access
Evaluation of novel drum chipper technology: pilot-scale production of short wood chips, TAPPI Journal October 2019

ABSTRACT: Impregnation of wood chips with acidic pulping liquors is improved when using short chip lengths. If the average wood chip length is too short, conventional chipping technology will generate excess small material, such as pin chips and fines. The possibility of using newly developed drum chipping technology to produce short-length wood chips was evaluated with a pilot drum chipper operating at different drum velocities and in-feed angles. With a drum velocity of 30 m/s, the average wood chip lengths and the combined fractions of pin chips and fines were 24 mm and 3.3%, 22 mm and 4.2%, and 17 mm and 8.5%. The highest fractions of total accept chips (large and small accepts), 89% to 90% without screening, were observed for drum velocities of 30•34 m/s and average wood chips lengths of 21•22 mm. The results indicate the potential of drum chipping technology for producing short wood chips with relatively high fractions of accept chips and tolerable fractions of pin chips and fines.

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Open Access
Techno-economic analysis of ECF bleaching and TCF bleaching

Techno-economic analysis of ECF bleaching and TCF bleaching for a bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp mill, TAPPI JOURNAL October 2017

Journal articles
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Open Access
Development of converging-diverging multi-jet nozzles for molten smelt shattering in kraft recovery boilers, TAPPI Journal March 2021

ABSTRACT: The effective shattering of molten smelt is highly desired in recovery boiler systems. Ideally, shatter jet nozzle designs should: i) generate high shattering energy; ii) create a wide coverage; and iii) minimize steam consumption. This study proposes a novel converging-diverging multi-jet nozzle design to achieve these goals. A laboratory setup was established, and the nozzle performance was evaluated by generating jet pressure profiles from the measurement of a pitot tube array. The results show that the shatter jet strength is greater with a large throat diameter, high inlet pressure, and a short distance between the nozzle exit and impingement position. Increasing the number of orifices generates a wider jet coverage, and the distance between the orifices should be limited to avoid the formation of a low-pressure region between the orifices. The study also demonstrates that an optimized converging-diverging multi-jet nozzle significantly outperformed a conventional shatter jet nozzle by achieving higher energy and wider coverage while consuming less steam.

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Open Access
Quantification of vegetable oil in recycled paper, TAPPI JOURNAL September 2020

ABSTRACT: Vegetable soybean oil is commonly used in cooking foods that are packaged in takeaway paper-board containers. Vegetable oil is hydrophobic, and in sufficiently high concentration, could interfere with interfiber bonding and result in paper strength loss. In order to quantify the effect of oil on the resulting paperboard strength, it is necessary to quantify the oil content in paper. A lab method was evaluated to determine the soybean oil content in paper. Handsheets were made with pulps previously treated with different proportions of vegetable oil. Pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (pyGCMS) was used to quantify the amount of oil left in the handsheets. The results revealed a strong correlation between the amount of oil applied to the initial pulp and the amount of oil left in the handsheets.In addition, the effect of vegetable oils on paper strength may be affected by the cooking process. Vegetable oil is known to degrade over time in the presence of oxygen, light, and temperature. The vegetable oil was put in an oven to imitate the oil lifecycle during a typical pizza cooking process. The cooked oil was then left at room temperature and not protected from air (oxygen) or from normal daylight. The heated, then cooled, oil was stored over a period of 13 weeks. During this time, samples of the aged oil were tested as part of a time-based degradation study of the cooked and cooled oil.

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Open Access
Comparing a linear transfer function-noise model and a neural network to model boiler bank fouling in a kraft recovery boiler, TAPPI Journal, July 2024

ABSTRACT: Boiler bank fouling reduces heat transfer efficiency in kraft recovery boilers. Here, we model the relationships between boiler parameters and boiler bank pressure drop, an indicator of fouling, based on recovery boiler operating data. We compared two models: an autoregressive integrated exogenous (ARIX) model and a feedforward neural network. The ARIX model better simulates boiler bank pressure drop compared to the neural network (R2 of 0.64 vs. 0.58). Based on the ARIX model, we identified six boiler parameters that significantly influence boiler bank fouling and their relative contributions. Finally, we demonstrate how the models can simulate boiler bank pressure drop given artificial perturbations in boiler parameters.

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Open Access
The solubility of calcium carbonate in green liquor handling systems, TAPPI Journal October 2019

ABSTRACT: The formation of hard calcite (CaCO3) scale in green liquor handling systems is a persistent problem in many kraft pulp mills. CaCO3 precipitates when its concentration in the green liquor exceeds its solubility. While the solubility of CaCO3 in water is well known, it is not so in the highly alkaline green liquor environment. A systematic study was conducted to determine the solubility of CaCO3 in green liquor as a function of temperature, total titratable alkali (TTA), causticity, and sulfidity. The results show that the solubility increases with increased temperature, increased TTA, decreased causticity, and decreased sulfidity. The new solubility data was incorporated into OLI (a thermodynamic simulation program for aqueous salt systems) to generate a series of CaCO3 solubility curves for various green liquor conditions. The results help explain how calcite scale forms in green liquor handling systems.

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Open Access
Case study: Paper mill power plant optimization—balancing steam venting with mill demand, TAPPI Journal June 2020

ABSTRACT: Most Power departments are tasked with generating steam to support mill wide operations, generate electricity, and reduce operating costs. To accomplish these tasks, power boilers generate high pressure steam that is reduced to intermediate and low pressures for process utilization in the mill by means of steam turbine generator extraction or pressure reducing valves. The most economical method to reduce steam pressure is the use of steam turbine generators, as electricity is generated from the steam when it is reduced in pressure. Electricity that is produced by these generators provides a substantial financial benefit and helps offset overall operational costs. To achieve tangible financial gains, the mill must evaluate the overall cost of steam production and the price of electricity.The current work provides a case study of power plant optimization that evaluated electricity production and steam production costs balanced with mill steam demand. Process and cost optimization led to a significant reduc-tion in low pressure steam venting, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and reduced operating cost.

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Open Access
Continuous tannin extraction by use of screw reactor, TAPPI Journal February 2021

ABSTRACT: A pilot-size screw reactor (extraction unit) was used for tannin extraction of spruce. Yield of the same magnitude or better was obtained when comparing a screw reactor with batch reactors. A longer presoaking time in water seemed to be better than a short one for obtaining higher yield. A higher yield is obtained with lower dry-water ratio, which suggests that the internal diffusion in bark does not determine mass transfer as much as is the case without presoaking of bark. The higher dry-water ratio decreased the yield. The prior soaking of the bark also minimized the mechanical reactor feeding problems (clogging). The benefits of a screw reactor likely are that run time changes for different process conditions are flexible; it simplifies design and construction of an industrial unit for tannin production; and it saves space because of the need for fewer and smaller intermediate storage tanks.

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Open Access
New learnings and strategies for meeting future recovery boiler particulate emission limits with existing electrostatic precipitators, TAPPI Journal June 2021

ABSTRACT: It is foreseeable that recovery boiler particulate emission limits in the United States and Canada will continue to get more stringent with time. Because of this, continued improvement of emission control equipment, as well as a better understanding of how operating parameters affect performance, are necessary. Although electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are often viewed as a mature technology, many improvements in ESP technology continue to be developed. In recent years, academic efforts have improved the understanding of recovery boiler operating conditions on ESP performance. Additionally, advancements in materials, power supplies, and design continue to improve the efficiency and reliability of ESPs.This paper discusses how recovery boiler and electrostatic precipitator (ESP) operating factors affect ESP perfor-mance based on process simulations and practical experience, and how these learnings can be implemented to improve future operation of existing ESPs.

Journal articles
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Open Access
Considerations in managing wastewater odor at pulp and paper operations, TAPPI Journal March 2022

ABSTRACT: Many pulp and paper mills are, at least periodically, faced with the release of odors that can migrate offsite and be considered a nuisance by nearby residents. At chemical pulp mills, perceptible odors associated with reduced sulfur compounds (RSCs) are common, many of which are highly perceptible owing to their low odor thresholds. As releases of RSCs and other odorous substances from production processes are progressively controlled, the proportional contribution from wastewater treatment systems to areal odors can increase. This review paper summarizes important fundamentals of odor generation, source identification, and control. Common odorous substances are identified, and mechanisms for their generation are summarized. Approaches for measuring odorous substances are detailed to enable more effective management, and various odor control strategies are discussed.