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Showing 511–520 of 810 results (Duration : 0.015 seconds)
Conference papers
Fiber Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and Pipe Supports for Reliable Performance, 19PEERS

Fiber Reinforced Plastic Piping Systems and Pipe Supports for Reliable Performance, 19PEERS

Conference papers
Performance of Structural Materials in Biomass Liquefaction Environments, 19PEERS

Performance of Structural Materials in Biomass Liquefaction Environments, 19PEERS

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Evaluating the effect of recovery boiler operation on green liquor dregs concentration using multivariate analysis, TAPPI Journal June 2023

ABSTRACT: Poor settling and filterability of green liquor dregs has been a persistent problem in many kraft pulp mills. While the concentration and settling/filtering behaviors of dregs are expected to be related to how black liquor is burned in recovery boilers, the effect of boiler operation is not well understood. A systematic study was conducted to examine how recovery boiler operation may affect the dregs concentration in the raw green liquor (RGL) at three kraft pulp mills using SIMCA, a multivariate data analysis (MVDA) program. Daily average boiler operating data from three kraft mills were analyzed over a 3-year period. Results of both principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares regression (PLS) suggest that the main boiler operations contributing to high dregs concentrations in RGL are low liquor firing load, low bed temperature, poor char burning, and unstable char bed.

Conference papers
Use of Direct Steam Injection to Control Black Liquor Temperature and Ensure Optimal Drop Size, 2018 PEERS

Use of Direct Steam Injection to Control Black Liquor Temperature and Ensure Optimal Drop Size, 2018 PEERS

Conference papers
The Sticky Behaviour of Pulp and Paper Mill Biosludge during Drying, 2018 PEERS

The Sticky Behaviour of Pulp and Paper Mill Biosludge during Drying, 2018 PEERS

Conference papers
Corrosion Resistant FRP Equipment for Pulp and Paper, 2018 PEERS

Corrosion Resistant FRP Equipment for Pulp and Paper, 2018 PEERS

Conference papers


Journal articles
Magazine articles
A model black liquor formulation for use in development and evaluation of membranes for concentrating weak black liquor, TAPPI Journal February 2022

ABSTRACT: As part of a larger program to develop robust membranes for concentrating weak black liquor prior to the evaporation step, several commercially available membranes were tested for suitability in this application. Given the variation in kraft black liquor for various wood species, the mill-to-mill variations, and the challenges of obtaining fresh samples, the need became apparent for a synthetic reference black liquor that would allow any membrane developer to test a new prototype membrane and compare the results with others. We present a formulation for a model black liquor (MBL) similar to real kraft black liquor in the composition of the major species that can be formulated from readily available reagents. The MBL was tested with two commercial membranes and resulted in similar levels of lignin retention as the real black liquor. It also showed similar viscosity behavior to real black liquor as a function of solids content.

Conference papers
Kneading Technology to Process Recycled Fiber Pulps and Aggl

Kneading Technology to Process Recycled Fiber Pulps and Agglomerate Stickies to Improve Stickies Removal Efficiency by Screening, 2016 PEERS