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Showing 61–70 of 159 results (Duration : 0.012 seconds)
Use AI to Give Junior Operators the Performance of Experienced Staff

Use AI to Give Junior Operators the Performance of Experienced Staff Registration Closed Overview Speaker Virtual Webinar 11AM - 12PM (ET) Willem Sundblad, Oden Technologies Paper, tissue, packaging,

Data Governance as the Backbone for Data Value

How to ensure that the data you plan to use to make enterprise-level business decisions is reliable and complete. The ability for companies to gain access to the data they want to use is reliant on technology, but the larger opportunity is around putting good data governance practices into place. Nonwoods come with certain challenges, but also certain advantages. Most will be review in this webinar.

Empire State TAPPI/PIMA

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NAPIM Spring Convention

Fostering greater understanding and knowledge of the printing ink industry.


NETinc LEARN MORE Indianapolis, IN, USA 05/05/2019 05:00:00

Kraft Recovery Operations Course

One of TAPPI's highest rated, longest running events! You'll learn ways to improve pulp production efficiency, minimize operating costs and reduce environmental impact. This course is designed for pulp mill operations personnel.

2024 Introduction to Wet End Chemistry Course

This introductory course will provide attendees with a strong foundation in wet end chemistry troubleshooting and optimization best practices. New topics this year include injection systems, process control, biological control and enzymes. The course is designed to help improve product quality, increase machine productivity and reduce costs.

Tissue 101: Properties and Processes Course

TAPPI's Tissue 101: Properties and Processes Course is structured to provide participants with a solid understanding of tissue properties and how they are impacted by manufacturing processes, helping them to effectively achieve production goals and objectives.

Hands-on Paper Making Course

This introductory class features morning classroom sessions followed by afternoon sessions of guided exercises operating the UW-Stevens Point Fourdrinier pilot paper machine. It is designed for anyone who needs the basics, transferred from another industry, is new to operations, does maintenance, or supervises employees. Topics covered in this course included pulp and papermaking operations, with more information about papermaking processes and equipment.

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