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Reduction of alkali loss in an ash leaching system, TAPPI J

Reduction of alkali loss in an ash leaching system, TAPPI JOURNAL July 2017

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Open Access
A true green cover for industrial waste landfills, TAPPI Journal April 2024

ABSTRACT: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States totaled 5,981 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMT CO2eq) in 2020. Of that, GHG emissions by the pulp and paper sector amounted to 35 MMT CO2eq direct emissions and those by industrial waste landfills summed to 7.4 MMT CO2eq direct emissions. Loss of GHG sinks due to change in land use further contributes to the net GHG emissions. Industrial waste landfills are typically required to comply with certain federal and state regulations, including meeting requirements for final cover systems. Conventional final cover systems have included use of soil covers and/or soil-geosynthetic composite covers. An engineered turf cover provides for an excellent “green” alternative final cover system for industrial waste landfills.This paper discusses various sustainability aspects pertaining to use of an engineered turf final cover, including: (i)significantly low carbon footprint associated with the construction of an engineered turf alternative final coverwhen compared to closure using a traditional or prescriptive cover system; (ii) saving valuable soil and land resourc-es; (iii) saving water resources by reduction in its use during and after construction; (iv) reducing impacts associated with borrow areas; and (v) reducing overall carbon footprint. Further, when using an engineered turf cover, opportunities exist for beneficial reuse of land, including development of solar energy. A brief discussion on the potential fordevelopment of solar energy is included.

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Increased dryness after pressing and wet web strength by uti

Increased dryness after pressing and wet web strength by utilizing foam application technology, November 2016 TAPPI JOURNAL

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Open Access
Editorial: Collaboration: A necessary  recipe for technological growth, TAPPI Journal September 2021

ABSTRACT: Ongoing crisis situations, such as COVID-19 and the oil spill on the Orange County beaches in California, clearly highlight the need for various forms of collaboration, be it technical or trade. Technological growth in any sector these days depends on knowhow from multiple fields.

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Editorial: TAPPI Journal 2019 Best Research Paper addresses hard scale formation in green liquor pipelines, TAPPI Journal March 2020

ABSTRACT: TAPPI and the TAPPI Journal (TJ) Editorial Board would like congratulate the authors of the 2019 TAPPI Journal Best Research Paper Award: Alisha Giglio, Vladimiros Papangelakis, and Honghi Tran. Their paper, “The solubility of calcium carbonate in green liquor handling systems,” appeared on p. 595 of the October 2019 issue. This kraft recovery cycle research was recognized by the TJ Editorial Board for its innovation, creativity, scientific merit, and clear expression of ideas.

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Open Access
Editorial: Diverse content characterizes PaperCon 2019, TAPPI Journal November 2019

ABSTRACT: PaperCon 2019 was held from May 5-8 in Indianapolis, IN. Many of us visiting Indianapolis had little or no perception of the area beyond, of course, race cars and good sports teams. We also found a lovely, walkable downtown with a myriad of restaurants, parks, historic sites, and state government. As with the diverse offerings of PaperCon 2019’s host city of Indianapolis, the conference technical program was exceptionally broad this year. In this special issue of TAPPI Journal, we share both the breadth and quality of the content presented at PaperCon 2019 through peer-reviewed papers from the conference, as described below.

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Open Access
Improved deinking and stickies removal

Improved deinking and stickies removal, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2017

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Open Access
Magnetization of aminated lignin and characterization, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2019

Magnetization of aminated lignin and characterization, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2019

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Open Access
Editorial: Celebrating Wayne Carr

Editorial: Celebrating Wayne Carr: A true recycling visionary, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2017

Journal articles
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Open Access
On-machine visible dirt measurement on moving sheets and the relationships to standard laboratory methods, TAPPI Journal August 2020

ABSTRACT: There has been a proliferation of new sensors to measure on-machine dirt specks that employ different technologies and methodologies to perform measurements. The differences in the on-machine technologies are discussed in terms of the TAPPI and ISO standard laboratory test methods with respect to dirt detection using light reflected from, or light transmitted through, the sheet. Also discussed are the requirements for measuring sta-tistically representative areas of the sheet; the difference between the dirt physical size and Equivalent Black Area (EBA) size; and the implication of these issues when specifying cleanliness acceptance criteria.This technical brief describes on-machine visible dirt measurement’s relationship to standard laboratory testing.