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Journal articles
Open Access
Single-Site Catalyst Produced Polyolefin Plastomers for Extrusion Coating and Laminating, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)

Single-Site Catalyst Produced Polyolefin Plastomers for Extrusion Coating and Laminating, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1999, Vol. 83(5)

Journal articles
Open Access
Prioritization for an r&t program: tools that help to achieve consensus, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2001, Vol. 84(7)

Prioritization for an r&t program: tools that help to achieve consensus, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2001, Vol. 84(7)

Quality Improvement Team Handbook

Quality Improvement Team Handbook

Riddle Me This!

Riddle Me This! Riddle Me This! What do the year 1934, Audio Oscillators, a “Mickey Mouse” type company, a coin toss and $530 have in common with a very well-known 76 year old company that employs

Familiar Names, a New location and a New Attitude

Familiar Names, a New location and a New Attitude April 19-20, 2017 (right before PaperCon2017) Kristi Ledbetter, TAPPI’s Converting Division Manager, and I had the privilege to revisit a company

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