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Journal articles
Open Access
Adsorption of anionic dissolved and colloidal substances onto calcium carbonate fillers, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Adsorption of anionic dissolved and colloidal substances onto calcium carbonate fillers, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 2000, Vol. 83(7)

Journal articles
Open Access
Impact of the cluster rule on the cost competitiveness of the u.s. papermaking industry in the global market, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)

Impact of the cluster rule on the cost competitiveness of the u.s. papermaking industry in the global market, TAPPI JOURNAL, September 2000, Vol. 83(9)

Journal articles
Subscription Access
The role of analytical winding dynamics in winder design, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

The role of analytical winding dynamics in winder design, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Journal articles
Subscription Access
Influence of coating composition on web release in high speed film transfer coating, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Influence of coating composition on web release in high speed film transfer coating, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1998, Vol. 81(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
Key aspects of capital effectiveness, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1997, Vol. 80(10)

Key aspects of capital effectiveness, TAPPI JOURNAL, October 1997, Vol. 80(10)

Journal articles
Open Access
Shop talk: The measurement of neutral line position in dryer fabrics, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1997, Vol. 80(11)

Shop talk: the measurement of neutral line position in dryer fabrics, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 1997, Vol. 80(11)

Journal articles
Open Access
China: World leader in talc and calcium carbonate, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 1997, Vol. 80(7)

The pigment industry in china: an overview, TAPPI JOURNAL, July 1997, Vol. 80(7)

Journal articles
Open Access
Physical and optical properties of steam-exploded laser-printed paper, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 1996, Vol. 79(5)

Physical and optical properties of steam-exploded laser-printed paper, TAPPI JOURNAL, May 1996, Vol. 79(5)

Journal articles
Open Access
Prediction of suspension rheology through particle motions imulation, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1996, Vol. 79(1)

Prediction of suspension rheology through particle motions imulation, TAPPI JOURNAL, January 1996, Vol. 79(1)

Journal articles
Open Access
An ever-improved swiecie mill, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1999, Vol. 82(2)

An ever-improved swiecie mill, TAPPI JOURNAL, February 1999, Vol. 82(2)