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Mentors Can Make A Difference

Got relationship goals? A new ‘Mentor Match’ program for the pulp, paper, and related industries can help. Building leadership skills, gaining process knowledge, and collecting sage advice are all benefits associated with having a mentor. Mentors can also help their mentees gain that almost intangible “feel for the industry” that can lead to higher job success and satisfaction. According to a recent article by contributor Kaytie Zimmerman, “among millennials, there is a collective shout to employers to develop them, mentor them, and give them opportunities to lead. Companies that offer their youngest employees the ability to grow within their organization are more likely to hang on to them or prevent job-hopping.”

The Graying of the Paper Industry

JOHN A. NEUN, P.E. This article appears in the May/June issue of Paper360°, the TAPPI member magazine, and is offered here for Ahead of the Curve readers who may have missed it.

Top Young Professionals are Ready to Make Their Mark

JAN BOTTIGLIERI and SAMANTHA GEIER The next generation of industry leaders are not interested in “the way things were” for pulp, paper, and packaging producers. They’re interested in the opportunities ahead, and in how they can launch careers that take full advantage of those opportunities.

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