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Journal articles
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Open Access
Multilayering of conventional latex-based dispersion coatings containing small amounts of silica nanospheres: Runnability on a pilot scale flexographic coater and barrier performance, TAPPI Journal November 2023

ABSTRACT: The addition of functional coatings to packaging materials is a key requirement for increasing their performance and creating innovative packaging solutions. Flexography, a cost-effective printing method commonly used to print information and graphics directly onto a wide variety of packaging substrates, shows good potential for applying functional coatings. In this study, conventional clay-latex coating formulations containing approximately 1.3 wt% silica nanospheres were applied to a linerboard using a pilot scale flexographic printing web press. The performance of multilayered silica nanosphere-based coatings was compared with conventional coatings containing talc and/or wax dispersion in terms of coating grammage, runnability, and barrier performance. Coating grammage increased with an increased number of coating layers and a significant decrease in both the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) and the direct water uptake of water (Cobb 120 wettability test) was observed for coatings containing silica nanoparticles. In general, the silica nanosphere-based coatings performed better than talc-based coatings. Talc/wax-based coatings had the highest variation in surface roughness due to an uneven distribution and variations of coating layers.

Journal articles
Magazine articles
Open Access
Surface energy considerations for offset printing of coated paper and paperboard, TAPPI Journal November 2023

ABSTRACT: Offset printing of coated paper involves the complex interactions of ink with a surface that is characterized by three major properties: roughness, porosity, and related pore network structure and surface chemistry (related to surface free energy [SFE]). The effects of porosity and roughness are relatively well understood and are documented in the literature, whereas the influence of surface chemistry is much less studied and therefore the focus of this paper. The key results shown include: i) Coating porosity has a negligible effect on SFE determination by contact angle using two fluids. ii) The chemistry of the latex polymer in the coating formulation dominates the influence on SFE compared to pigment, with any surface energy differences present in the pigment being almost completely masked by latex. iii) Wetting agent and corona treatment can impact water absorption rate and surface spreading of water, resulting in small differences in printability. Increasing the concentration of the surfactant on a coated surface indicates switching orientation of the surfactant molecules, giving a “step wise” printing result. When looking to improve offset printability by selection of different pigments, the variation in SFE is less important than variation in either surface roughness or porosity.

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