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Flow rheology of light foams generated from aqueous solutions of polyvinyl alcohol, TAPPI Journal January 2023

ABSTRACT: Recent studies have shown that foam-assisted application of additives into a wet web has advantages over the conventional way of adding the chemicals into the pulp suspension before forming, e.g., increased mechanical retention as well as high dosage giving increased wet strength without impairing the sheet uniformity. To engineer processes utilizing this new technology, the complex flow behavior of applied foams must be quantified. At the minimum, the foam viscosity and the slip velocity at the solid surfaces need to be known to build practical models that can be used in analyzing and upscaling unit processes of the foam-assisted application.In this study, the rheological behavior was quantified for foams having polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), a widely used strength additive chemical, as the surfactant. The foam density was varied between 100 g/L and 300 g/L, and the concentration of the PVOH solution was varied between 0.5% and 6.0% (w/w). The foams were generated with a commercial foam generator, and the rheological properties of the foams were measured by using a horizontal pipe bank. At the outlet from the generator, the volumetric flow rate, the absolute pressure, and the bubble size distribution of the foam were measured. In the measurement pipe section, the viscous pressure gradient and the slip velocity were measured, after which the foam was discharged to ambient air pressure. The viscosity and the dynamic surface tension of the PVOH solutions were quantified with commercial laboratory devices. In the viscosity analysis, the apparent shear rate was calculated from the volumetric flow rate, and the resulting apparent viscosity was translated to real material viscosity data by applying the Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch correction. The results indicated that PVOH foams can be described with high accuracy as shear-thinning power-law fluids where the detailed behavior depends on the foam density and the PVOH concentration. Slip flow, as usual, increased with increasing wall shear stress, but it was also dependent on the PVOH concentration, the air content, and the bubble size. For both the foam viscosity and the slip flow, a correlation was found that described the quantitative behavior of all the studied foams with good accuracy.

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SCC susceptibility of chromized type 409 stainless steel in alkaline chloride solutions at ambient temperature and pressure, TAPPI Journal August 2023

ABSTRACT: Biomass hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is operated in a harsh reaction medium that contains hot pressurized water, inorganic acidic or basic catalyst, and inorganic/organic corrosive components released during the conversion. Candidate alloys for this application require suitable resistance to both corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) to withstand the HTL process conditions (250°C•374°C and 4•22 MPa). Ferritic iron-chromium (Fe-Cr) steels are more prone to corrosion but less susceptible to SCC compared to austenitic iron-chromium-nickel (Fe-Cr-Ni) steels. Chromizing can significantly reduce corrosion of Type 409 stainless steel (Fe-11Cr) in a simulated aqueous HTL solution. The objective of this study is to determine the SCC susceptibility of chromized Type 409 stainless steel, relative to the bare (non-chromized) case. The slow strain rate testing (SSRT) technique was used for this purpose. For simplicity of experimentation, SSRT was conducted using simulated HTL water containing 800 ppm potassium chloride (KCl), 1 M potassium carbonate (K2CO3), and 10 wt% acetic acid at ambient temperature and pressure. Complementary potentiodynamic polarization measurements and surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectros-copy (XPS) were also made to help interpret the SSRT results. The SSRT results show no significant difference in SCC susceptibility, regardless of the starting surface. Thus, chromizing, while significantly reducing the corrosion of Type 409 stainless steel, does not adversely affect SCC susceptibility, at least under the conditions tested.

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Open Access
Graft copolymerization of acrylic acid of kraft lignin to enhance aniline adsoprtion from aqueous solution, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2019

Graft copolymerization of acrylic acid of kraft lignin to enhance aniline adsoprtion from aqueous solution, TAPPI JOURNAL January 2019

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Lignocellulose fibers elaborating super-swollen three-dimensional cellulose hydrogels from solution in N, N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride, TAPPI JOURNAL February 2018

Lignocellulose fibers elaborating super-swollen three-dimensional cellulose hydrogels from solution in N, N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride, TAPPI JOURNAL February 2018

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Deinking process water flotation

Deinking process water flotation: An innovative solution to improve deinking and papermaking processes efficiency, TAPPI JOURNAL November 2017

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Open Access
Recovery boiler back-end heat recovery, TAPPI Journal March 2023

ABSTRACT: Sustainability and efficient use of resources are becoming increasingly important aspects in the operation of all industries. Recently, some biomass-fired boilers have been equipped with increasingly complex condensing back-end heat recovery solutions, sometimes also using heat pumps to upgrade the low-grade heat. In kraft recovery boilers, however, scrubbers are still mainly for gas cleaning, with only simple heat recovery solutions. In this paper, we use process simulation software to study the potential to improve the power generation and energy efficiency by applying condensing back-end heat recovery on a recovery boiler. Different configurations are considered, including heat pumps. Potential streams to serve as heat sinks are considered and evaluated. Lowering the recovery boiler flue gas temperature to approximately 65°C significantly decreases the flue gas losses. The heat can be recovered as hot water, which is used to partially replace low-pressure (LP) steam, making more steam available for the condensing steam turbine portion for increased power generation. The results indicate that in a simple condensing plant, some 1%•4% additional electricity could be generated. In a Nordic mill that provides district heating, even more additional electricity generation, up to 6%, could be achieved. Provided the availability of sufficient low-temperature heat sinks to use the recovered heat, as well as sufficient condensing turbine swallowing capacity to utilize the LP steam, the use of scrubbing and possibly upgrading the heat using heat pumps appears potentially useful.

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Open Access
On the usage of online fiber measurements for predicting bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp tensile index — an industrial case, TAPPI Journal July 2022

ABSTRACT: Cellulose pulp’s physical-mechanical properties are determined by laboratory tests obtained from prepared handsheets. However, this procedure is time intensive and presents a lead time until the results are available, hindering its utilization for monitoring and decision-making in a pulp mill. In this context, developing real-time solutions for physical-mechanical properties prediction is fundamental. This work applied a mathematical modeling approach to develop a soft sensor for tensile index monitoring. The mathematical model considers online morphology measurements obtained from the last bleaching stage outlet stream and important process variables for tensile index prediction. The results obtained are satisfactory compared to laboratory results, presenting a mean absolute percentual error of 2.5%, which agrees with the laboratory testing method’s reproducibility.

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Open Access
Kraft pulp bleaching with a P-stage catalyzed by both bicarbonate and TAED, TAPPI Journal July 2019

ABSTRACT: Peroxide bleaching of softwood and hardwood (eucalypt) kraft pulps was performed in solutions of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The conventional P stage (hydrogen peroxide + sodium hydroxide; H2O2 + NaOH) was the most effective brightening system without an additional activator. However, peroxide activation by bicarbonate anion (HCO3•) was obvious in all cases where NaHCO3 or Na2CO3 was used. When N,N,N’,N’-tetraacetylethylenediamine (TAED) was added to the bleaching sys-tem, Na2CO3 as the alkali source afforded equal or slightly higher bleached brightness compared to NaOH usage for both the softwood and hardwood pulps. This outcome is attributed to simultaneous peroxide activation by HCO3• and TAED. When applied to the eucalypt pulp, the H2O2/Na2CO3/TAED bleaching system also decreased the bright-ness loss due to thermal reversion.

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Open Access
Development of a fast brightness testing method for mechanical pulp based on microwave oven drying, TAPPI Journal June 2020

ABSTRACT: Brightness is an important quality parameter for pulp products, and it is important to have reliable measurement of pulp brightness in a timely manner for process control and/or quality control purposes. In these circumstances, a quick testing method for pulp brightness is highly desirable.A rapid handsheet brightness testing method for lignin-rich mechanical pulp has been developed, which is based on the use of tap water to make handsheets and microwave ovens to rapidly dry the handsheet. Microwave oven fast drying decreased the handsheet brightness of mechanical pulp by 5•6 points due to the lignin-originated discol-oration reactions. The spray of ascorbic acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solutions to the handsheet can effectively inhibit these lignin discoloration reactions.With 0.2% ascorbic acid and 0.2% EDTA spraying on the wet pulp handsheet, the brightness of the handsheet from a peroxide-bleached stone groundwood pulp after the microwave oven fast drying method was similar to that obtained from the same pulp but following TAPPI Standard Test Method T 272 sp-12 “Forming handsheets for reflectance testing of pulp (sheet machine procedure)”. The effect of handsheet dryness on the handsheet brightness was also studied, and the results showed that the brightness reading was almost constant in the dryness range of 70% to 90%. The method developed is a reliable, fast brightness testing method for lignin-rich pulp that is of practical interest in industrial operations.

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Open Access
Multilayering of conventional latex-based dispersion coatings containing small amounts of silica nanospheres: Runnability on a pilot scale flexographic coater and barrier performance, TAPPI Journal November 2023

ABSTRACT: The addition of functional coatings to packaging materials is a key requirement for increasing their performance and creating innovative packaging solutions. Flexography, a cost-effective printing method commonly used to print information and graphics directly onto a wide variety of packaging substrates, shows good potential for applying functional coatings. In this study, conventional clay-latex coating formulations containing approximately 1.3 wt% silica nanospheres were applied to a linerboard using a pilot scale flexographic printing web press. The performance of multilayered silica nanosphere-based coatings was compared with conventional coatings containing talc and/or wax dispersion in terms of coating grammage, runnability, and barrier performance. Coating grammage increased with an increased number of coating layers and a significant decrease in both the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) and the direct water uptake of water (Cobb 120 wettability test) was observed for coatings containing silica nanoparticles. In general, the silica nanosphere-based coatings performed better than talc-based coatings. Talc/wax-based coatings had the highest variation in surface roughness due to an uneven distribution and variations of coating layers.