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Conference papers
Prediction of crystal species transition in aqueous solution

Prediction of crystal species transition in aqueous solutions of Na2CO3 and Na2SO4 and kraft black liquor, TAPPI JOURNAL, November 2004, Vol. 3(11) (278KB)

Conference papers
Drying Behaviour of Waterwash Solution and the Effect on Com

Drying Behaviour of Waterwash Solution and the Effect on Composite Floor Tube Cracking in Recovery Boilers, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Enhanced Forced Circulation: The Solution to High Solids Bla

Enhanced Forced Circulation: The Solution to High Solids Black Liquor Crystallization at Willamette, 1999 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Chromizing: An Alternative Solution for Recovery Furnace Pro

Chromizing: An Alternative Solution for Recovery Furnace Protection, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Fault Tolerant Triple Redundant PLCs Provide for Pulp and Pa

Fault Tolerant Triple Redundant PLCs Provide for Pulp and Paper Control System Solutions, 1994 Process Control, Electrical & Information Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Evaluation of the Pitting Resistance of Wrought and Machinab

Evaluation of the Pitting Resistance of Wrought and Machinable Grades of 316L Stainless Steel in Activated Oxygen Bleaching Solutions, 1995 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Winder Wisdom, 1999 Finishing & Converting Conference Procee

Winder Wisdom, 1999 Finishing & Converting Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Using EDI and Barcoding to Track Rolls, 1999 Finishing & Con

Using EDI and Barcoding to Track Rolls, 1999 Finishing & Converting Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
Updated Report on Halons and the Environment, 1994 Engineeri

Updated Report on Halons and the Environment, 1994 Engineering Conference Proceedings

Conference papers
ISO-9000 Journey in an Integrated Paper Mill Utilizing a Tea

ISO-9000 Journey in an Integrated Paper Mill Utilizing a Teambuildlng Approach, 1995 Engineering Conference Proceedings