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Open Access
Three-dimensional visualization and characterization of paper machine felts and their relationship to their properties and dewatering performance, TAPPI Journal July 2021

ABSTRACT: Polymeric felts are commonly used in the papermaking process on the paper machine wet end, in the press section, and in the dryer section. They provide an important function during paper manufacturing, including as a carrier or support; as a filter media assisting with water removal on the paper machine; in retention of fibers, fines, and fillers; and in some applications, such as tissue and towel, to impart key structural features to the web. These felts can have highly interwoven complex internal structures comprised of machine direction and cross-machine direction yarns of varying sizes and chemical compositions. Here, we present a non-intrusive three-dimensional (3D) image visualization method using advanced X-ray computed tomography (XRCT). This method was used to characterize the complex 3D felt structure and determine the water removal characteristics of some commonly used paper machine felts. The structural features analyzed include porosity; specific pore-yarn interfacial surface area; 3D pore size distribution; 3D fiber or yarn-size distribution; and their variations through the thickness direction. The top, middle, and bottom layers of the felt have very different structures to assist with water removal and impart paper properties. The size distribution of the yarns, as well as the pores in the different layers of the felt, are also inherently different. These structural features were non-intrusively quantified. In addition, variation in the structural characteristics through the thickness of the felts and its potential role in papermaking is explored. In addition to the 3D structural characteristics, permeability characteristics and water removal characteristics, including rewetting of select felt samples, have also been experimentally determined. It is interesting to observe the relationship between key structural features and permeability and water removal characteristics. These relationships can provide additional insights into press felt design, as well as ways to improve product properties and the dewatering efficiency and productivity of the paper machine.

Journal articles
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5 Words you should avoid saying, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, January 2004

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American manufacturers: Innovate or evaporate!, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, June 2004

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Journal articles
Combined halogens: new products to combat an old problem, So

Combined halogens: new products to combat an old problem, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, March 2003

Journal articles
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Journal articles
Hire the best using 3 tests, Solutions!, Online Exclusives,

Hire the best using 3 tests, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, March 2003

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Quit tolerating crybabies!, Solutions! Online Exclusives, Ju

Quit tolerating crybabies!, Solutions! Online Exclusives, June 2003

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Appleton papers: roadmap to a training turnaround, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, September 2003

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What suppliers say about buyers, Solutions!, Online Exclusives, April 2004