Watch Fiberglass Mat Technology Virtual Series on Workforce Recording


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Becoming a Visionary of Untapped Talent: Highlighting Community College Partnerships and Their Impact on Talent Development Resolution

with Ed Injaychock and Mia Mallory
Director & Sr. Coordinator, Central Piedmont Community College


Prior to the economic impact of Covid-19, many industries struggled with aspects of recruiting and maintaining quality talent. As the pandemic continues to impact the structure of companies, industries, economics and our society in unimaginable ways, businesses must envision forward thinking opportunities that can be structured during this crisis* ( Paraphrased: Fernandez-Araoz, Claudio). Opportunities can include hiring work-based learning (Co-op) and apprenticeship students at the community college level. Partnerships like this require a vision for short- and long-term talent development solutions. What better way to develop qualified talent than from the ground up through your local community college partnerships!

In this session, you will gain insight into how industry and local community college interactions can help improve employee recruitment efforts and employee development. The presentation will provide strategies and examples of Central Piedmont’s Workplace Learning department’s approach to employer partnerships and solutions to improving talent pipeline challenges with maintaining, training, and hiring skilled employees.

Topics of Discussion

  • Community College Work-based Learning (Co-op) Model
  • Community College Apprenticeship Model
  • Partnership Benefits to Your Company, Local Community and Students

* Reference: Fernandez-Araoz, Claudio. Developing Employees. Now Is an Unprecedented Opportunity to Hire Great Talent, 2020,


Answering the Call - How the Pulp & Paper Industry Has Responded to a Changing Workforce

with Jay Stockard
Senior Technical Consultant, Pulp and Paper at Fisher Arnold


The pulp and paper industry has faced many challenges over the past decade, both external and internal. After the Great Recession, shifts in the global industry resulted in the US segment seeing drastic changes in product demand, undergoing globalization, asset rationalization, expansion into affiliated and new industries, and consolidations to create a leaner and more focused composition of companies today. This strengthened US industry was achieved by the dedication, ingenuity, and know-how of America’s workforce. As a defensive measure to cut costs and to ride out these changes, companies also had to scale back expenses on several fronts, including employee recruitment, training, and development initiatives. A side effect of the industry rationalization and consolidation resulted in an experienced workforce being available to fill companies’ needs in the short-term. However, the increasing wave of retirements, knowledge loss, and the need for new workforce entrants have once more pushed the importance of employee retention and development to the forefront. In this session, Jay Stockard will reflect on the various strategies mills have undertaken to shore up the knowledge gap in their organizations and how they are adapting to a changing workforce.