Developing TAPPI Standards

Standards are of the utmost importance in the pulp, paper and converting industries as they have a serious impact on business and trade. As a member, you are eligible to get involved in the process of developing new Standards for the industry.

How to Propose new Standards

Are you interested in proposing a new Standard? We encourage members to consult our complete list of subject categories for Standards below, or view the PDF list.

If you have a general idea for a Standard, you can complete the New Idea Submission Form. We will review your idea and identify the right committee or group to work on your suggestion.

If you already further along, you can send an initial draft to A Standards manager will then work with you to develop a Standard-Specific Interest Group (SSIG) for the new Standard. This will set in motion the development and review process, which is described in the Standards Guidelines.

TAPPI Standards Guidelines

If you are at the writing stage, or if you are the chairperson of a Standards working group, you can download a copy of our Regulations and Style Guidelines.

In this manual, you will find:

  • How to write a Standard Test Method using proper terminology and format
  • How to write TAPPI Standard Specifications, Glossaries and Guidelines using proper terminology and format
  • What requirements exist for precision statements in Official and Provisional Test Methods
  • A checklist to make sure all required sections have been included in a Standard draft
  • How working group chairperson, working groups and Standard-Specific Interest Groups (SSIGs) fit into the process of preparing a Standard
  •  How the balloting process works
  •  How to resolve comments and negative votes
Showing 191–200 of 294 results (Duration : 0.006 seconds)
Dirt count in paper and paperboard (optical character recognition • OCR), Test Method T 537 om-21

Dirt count in paper and paperboard (optical character recognition • OCR), Test Method T 537 om-21

Coefficients of static and kinetic friction of uncoated writing and printing paper by use of the horizontal plane method, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 549 om-20

Coefficients of static and kinetic friction of uncoated writing and printing paper by use of the horizontal plane method, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 549 om-20

Determination of equilibrium moisture in pulp, paper and paperboard for chemical analysis, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 550 om-22

Determination of equilibrium moisture in pulp, paper and paperboard for chemical analysis, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 550 om-22

X-Ray Analysis of Paper and Related Materials, Test Method T 554 wd-01 WITHDRAWN

The document searched has been withdrawn for technical reasons. Standards that have been withdrawn for technical reasons (including those that have been replaced by other Standards) are no longer available for distribution. See the Numerical Index and/or the Subject Index for Standards to determine if there are current documents that may meet your needs.

Moisture content of fiber glass mats, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 1012 om-23

Moisture content of fiber glass mats, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 1012 om-23

Optical Measurements Terminology (Related to Appearance Eval

Optical Measurements Terminology (Related to Appearance Evaluation of Paper), Test Method T 1213 WD-08 WITHDRAWN

The determination of instrumental color differences, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 1215 sp-21

The determination of instrumental color differences, Test Method TAPPI/ANSI T 1215 sp-21

Pentosans in wood and pulp, Test Method T 223 cm-23

Pentosans in wood and pulp, Test Method T 223 cm-23

Specific external surface of pulp, Test Method T 226 cm-23

Specific external surface of pulp, Test Method T 226 cm-23

Zero-span breaking strength of pulp (dry zero-span tensile), Test Method T 231 cm-22

Zero-span breaking strength of pulp (dry zero-span tensile), Test Method T 231 cm-22