
During this crisis our industry is giving back to help others in need. Hear their stories. Share their stories.
Dow creates a COVID-19 Resource Center
Meeting critical needs
These are extraordinary times. This crisis has shattered so many hearts around the world, and our thoughts and prayers are with those victims.
We have a responsibility to support the people and supply chains that are vital to containing COVID-19 and maintaining our collective well-being. We’re especially indebted to the heroes who are risking their lives to treat the sick.
As a manufacturer of the raw materials behind personal protective equipment, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, IV bags, food ingredients and packaging, it's our duty to help meet the overwhelming demand for these and many other supplies.
Right now, there are well-publicized supply shortages in many of these areas. That's why – even as we double and triple-down on employee safety procedures – the vast majority of our operations are running full steam ahead. Note that Dow does not typically make finished consumer products. Rather, we supply raw materials and intermediate chemistries to formulators and brand owners who then manufacture and distribute their final products for consumer markets. The assets we run to manufacture these chemistries are already fully committed to customers and products that serve society’s most basic needs.
To this end, the chemical sector has been designated as critical infrastructure in many of the worlds’ largest economies, therefore our manufacturing sites are widely excluded from governmental shutdown orders. We continue to follow all guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as we manage daily operations. Local laws and restrictions in specific countries around the world are also being followed.
These are some of the critical applications Dow materials help produce:
Medical equipment and infrastructure
Dow products and chemistries
Medical supplies and PPE
Dow products and chemistries
Hygiene and Sanitation
Dow products and chemistries
About DOW:
Learn more about DOW and how they are doing their part during the COVID-19 crisis here: