Developing Technical Information Papers (TIPs)

How to Submit a Technical Information Paper (TIP)

Are you interested in submitting or reviewing a Technical Information Paper (TIP)? Getting started is easy, and which steps you take depend on how far along you are with your idea.

First, you can consult our complete list of subject categories for TIPs below, or view the PDF list.

If you have a general idea for a TIP, simply complete the New Idea Submission Form. We will review your idea and identify the right committee or group to work on your suggestion.

If you already have an initial draft for a TIP that contains, at minimum, a description of the scope of the document, you can send it along to A Standards manager will then work with you to ensure the required formatting for a TIP is followed and to obtain the necessary number of reviewers as outlined in the TIPs Guidelines.

Regulations and Style Guidelines for Technical Information Papers (TIPs)

If you are already at the writing stage, we provide complete regulations and style guidelines for Technical Information Papers. These guidelines include:

  • How to write a TIP using proper terminology and format
  • How to use a checklist to ensure all required sections are included
  • How the working group chairperson and working groups fit into the process of preparing a TIP
  • Download the complete guidelines to learn more.

How to Review a Technical Information Paper (TIP)

You can get involved in the TIP review process by joining a Working Group. These working groups are a great way to have discussions with experts around the world on critical processes and procedures in the industry.

All members in good standing are invited to participate in Working Groups. Each group requires a minimum of 3 members to approve the content of a TIP.

Showing 191–200 of 357 results (Duration : 0.007 seconds)
Technical information papers
Recommended test procedure for black liquor evaporators, Technical Information Paper TIP 0416-11 (2021)

Recommended test procedure for black liquor evaporators, Technical Information Paper TIP 0416-11 (2021)

Technical information papers
Estimating the First Melting Temperature of Fireside Deposits in Recovery Boilers, Technical Information Paper TIP 0416-12 (2004)

Estimating the First Melting Temperature of Fireside Deposits in Recovery Boilers, Technical Information Paper TIP 0416-12 (2004)

Technical information papers
Industry 4.0 Lexicon Technical Information Paper TIP 1501-01 (2021)

Industry 4.0 Lexicon Technical Information Paper TIP 1501-01 (2021)

Technical information papers
UNTITLED - [08mc02.pdf]

Energy Efficient Electrical Motor Selection Handbook - Motor Challenge Series

Technical information papers
T 1214 sp-12 Interrelation of reflectance, R0; reflectivity, R8; TAPPI opacity, C0.89; scattering, s; and absorption, k , Test Method T 1214 sp-22

Interrelation of reflectance, R0; reflectivity, R8; TAPPI opacity, C0.89; scattering, s; and absorption, k , Test Method T 1214 sp-22

Technical information papers
Reference system for technical information paper use, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-67 (2006) - WITHDRAWN

The document searched has been administratively withdrawn (which means it was withdrawn not for a technical reason, but for lack of timely review). Administratively withdrawn TIPs are not available on the web, but are available upon request. Administratively withdrawn and historical TIPs are free to TAPPI members, and there is a US$ 10 charge per document for nonmembers. The numerical index for TIPs (see links from the Standards page) shows all withdrawn documents (with a "wd" designation). To request administratively withdrawn or historical TIPs, contact NOTE: These documents are made available for reference purposes; withdrawn documents and previous versions of existing documents are NOT currently sanctioned by TAPPI or the technical experts who develop TAPPI TIPs.

Technical information papers
Characteristics of starch (flow properties), Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-52 (2001) - WITHDRAWN

The document searched has been administratively withdrawn (which means it was withdrawn not for a technical reason, but for lack of timely review). Administratively withdrawn TIPs are not available on the web, but are available upon request. Administratively withdrawn and historical TIPs are free to TAPPI members, and there is a US$ 10 charge per document for nonmembers. The numerical index for TIPs (see links from the Standards page) shows all withdrawn documents (with a "wd" designation). To request administratively withdrawn or historical TIPs, contact NOTE: These documents are made available for reference purposes; withdrawn documents and previous versions of existing documents are NOT currently sanctioned by TAPPI or the technical experts who develop TAPPI TIPs.

Technical information papers
Understanding wet strength: what are MRA, WRA, and WPA?, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-69 (2017)

Understanding wet strength: what are MRA, WRA, and WPA?, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-69 (2017)

Technical information papers
Improved techniques to measure corrugator glue machine meter gaps, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-68 (2022)

Improved techniques to measure corrugator glue machine meter gaps, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-68 (2022)

Technical information papers
How to prevent score cracking in a box plant, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-37 (2023)

How to prevent score cracking in a box plant, Technical Information Paper TIP 0304-37 (2023)