Nanotechnology Division Committees
We are proud to provide TAPPI Connect as a centralized, online resource for our members, consultants and volunteers to network, share knowledge, problem solve and collaborate.
The committee links will direct you to the TAPPPI Connect Community pages to get involved in discussion and more.
Nano Steering Committee - This committee governs the Nanotechnology Division and is comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.
Nano Technical Team - This committee plans the annual conference.
Renewable Nanomaterials Producers Committee - This committee focuseson industry-wide and pre-competitive issues, including: Identifying research challenges that need to be addressed from a fundamental perspective; Identifying areas where industry standards should be given greater focus and support; Identify white papers or other publications that are needed to educate the public or material users; Identifying white papers, other publications, or technical presentations on specific research areas that would benefit producers.
End Users Committee - Mission: To provide a forum for end-users of renewable nanomaterials (cellulosic, chitin, hemicellulose, lignin, starch, etc) to share industry-wide needs to support the commercial development of these materials.
Research Committee - Mission: To provide a forum for researchers to exchange information and collaborate for the advancement of Science and engineering that is needed to address industry-wide needs in commercial development of renewable materials.
Student Committee - Mission: Provide a forum for students to network, learn about resources. The Nano Division Student Committee is dedicated to providing a global network that connects students and young professionals around the world, facilitating knowledge exchange, providing useful tools, advice, and encouragement, so that students pursue careers that advance the use of renewable and sustainable nanomaterials.
Webinar Committee - Mission: To provide a platform from which the latest research, commercial developments and educational tutorials in the use of renewable and sustainable nanomaterials can be presented to our community.
For more information on any of our Divisions, Committees or Local Sections please contact our Member Connection Center or consult our Staff Directory.
Inside this Section
- Coating, Printing and Surface Enhancement
- Corrugated Packaging
- Engineering
- Independent Technical Committees
- Nonwovens, Engineers and Technologists (NET)
- International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division
- Nanotechnology
- Paper and Board
- PIMA Management
- Process and Product Quality
- Process Control
- Pulp Manufacture
- Tissue Division
- Women in Industry
- Young Professionals