April 2019 Committee of the Month - Runnability Planning Committee

This month we are going to highlight the Runnability Planning Committee as the April 2019 TAPPI Connect Committee of the Month.

For more information or to get involved reach out to any of the Committee Leadership:

@T. Scott Frasca
@Frank Sutman
@Grayson Lutz
@Sarah Lunceford

To kick this month off we would like to recognize the committee for some of the work that they have done in the past:

  1. 14 tremendously successful Runnablity Fun Runs - Currently working on the 15th annual to be held at PaperCon 2019 on Wednesday, May 8th in Indianapolis. IN!
  • In 14 years this event has raised over $160,000 to fund the education of future pulp and paper industry professionals.
    • Engineering Division - $31,000
    • Paper & Board Division - $44,000
    • Coating Division - $25,000
    • P&PQ Division - $33,000
    • Process Control Division - $27,000


  1. The committee has put on fun runs/walks in 10 different cities over 14 years.2018 saw both a record number of sponsors and amount raised; The committee is working hard to better that for 2019.
  2. The committee has been active in TAPPI Connect since launch back in 2016
  3. The committee is small in number but high in participation.
  • 469 Discussion Posts
  • 150 Library Entries

So how do they do it? My questions to the Runnability Planning Committee are:

  1. How do you keep your committee so active in TAPPI Connect?
  2. How does the platform help you with planning your event each year?

Do you have a question for the Committee or what to learn more? Hop over to TAPPI Connect and find out!

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